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Productivity Improvement Training (Mid & Line Managers)

Great leaders understand that there is a big difference between working hard and being more productive. Asking people to just work harder is the lazy leader’s way of trying to increase productivity. Instead, great leaders ensure that their teams have the right tools, resources, and training to be effective and they understand that Middle and Front-line managers are the critical pieces to keep the company organized and functioning well.

This crop of management has the most contact with front-line employees, who are critical to execute the company’s day-to-day operation. Front-line and middle managers need to receive ample training on leading effectively while managing risk tolerance. Neglecting this level of the company often creates critical break downs, which are often not noticed until they become significant issues.

How we transform low performing managers's to top performance drivers

We understand leadership productivity is important to the C- Suite as it is for the entire organization. Therefore, we have given it our best in laying an effective learning process to guarantee effectiveness and efficiency on the manager’s role execution to drive their own productivity and that of their teams sustainably.

This Productivity Improvement Program aims to Empower Managers with practical skills, knowledge and competencies to create a positive performance paradigm shift.

Our Focus

Research has demonstrated that productive Leaders and by extension employees, focus on the right number of tasks at the right quality and at the right times. There’s very little or no time and effort wasted, and the work they do creates the results that’s desired.

This program is therefore keen to Build a Crop of leaders who are enabled and ready to help their teams to Delivers;


How we help create a high performance team

  • Reasonable QUANTITY of tasks
  • Excellent QUALITY work and ensure
  • Time and effort are used EFFICIENTLY

Delivery approach for the productivity improvement program

The managers experience 3 levels of transformative engagements each with clear outcomes. The Execution Process is as Follows;


What this program sets you-manager to archieve

Experiencing this program enables the Manager to;

  • Accomplish great number of strategic task- Increased task execution ( Quantity)
  • Ensure the accomplished tasks embrace principle of high Quality
  • Become more Efficient- Least or no time and effort goes to waste.
  • Embrace better managerial, planning and problem-solving skills
  • Implement strategies that build their teams and enhance workplace relations;
  • Commit to Improvement Plans designed to trigger a breakthrough to a higher level of organisational performance;
  • Become more aware on factors affecting their productivity and that of their staff
  • Be guided on easy to apply strategies to help then transform their performance while helping their teams achieve the same among other benefits.

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